After being pulled out of two schools for relocations, Lily was finally able to finish out an entire year at one school. During her time at Children's Montessori Lily has learned so much and grown in confidence. This past friday parents were invited to the school to watch the children sing and dance and demonstrate some of the things they'd learned at school. We were treated to two songs in Chinese and a Chinese style dance. Lily may not have much of an interest in learning to speak or understand Chinese but she does love to sing in Chinese, as we heard the songs constantly around the apartment.

After the kids finished their songs and dance we had some snacks and tea while we waited for the other class to join us for the graduation ceremony. After receiving their diploma both classes sang a song (in English) about all the things they could do now that they are graduating. Lily and her fellow graduates were all given a personalized album with a class picture, pictures of their time at the school, and a drawing from each of her classmates. They were also given a hand carved stamp with her name in both English and Chinese. Both wonderful mementos of her time at Children's Montessori. There were lots of hugs and pictures with her teachers and friends, but luckily it's only good bye for the weekend as most of her classmates will spend the next three weeks at summer school with Lily. And, no, I'm not the meanest mom ever. Summer school is a lot more like camp than school. She'll get to spend time with her friends and keep busy instead of being bored at home with me and will be taking trips to the pool twice a week!

Not to be outdone by his sister, Charlie managed to potty train in just a week! We had a few accidents our first two days, but once he fully grasped the concept of using the potty he hasn't had an accident since. I do have to thank a fellow potty training mom for her inspirational idea of using Hot Wheels to motivate. Between stickers, candy, and Hot Wheels, it was actually easy. I know they say boys are harder, but not only was Charlie much easier than Lily, he also potty trained earlier than she did. We've done a few outings in undies and managed to use public potties too. We may be completely out of diapers soon as he's also waking up dry in the morning and using the potty without help! For the first time in over five and half years I will not have to worry about carrying diapers with me when we travel, wonder where I might change my child, or if I have enough wipes on me. Do you know how much space diapers a week of diapers take up in a suit case?! To say I am happy about Charlie learning to use the potty would be an understatement. I am doing a no more diaper dance as I type!
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