Lily finished school this Thursday, we were all invited to help celebrate the end of the school year. The kids sangs us songs in Chinese and did a Chinese fan dance. We all had cake and the kids who are moving on, either to a new school or leaving the area, got a photo album of the school year. Those staying got a class photo. We also got an end of the year report card, Lily is doing great and is right where she should be. The kids all made graduation hats and at the end of the party we all went outside to see the "graduates" get their diplomas. It was a fun morning and I know Lily is excited to go back to school in the fall.

That night we took our friends, who are here on their look and see trip, out to dinner. Leo and his wife Lily, are both Chinese, but have lived in America for so long that they are more "western" really than Chinese. They have two kids, a son a few years older than Lily and a daughter a year younger, and will probably be living close by so we are looking forward to having them here and getting the families together. We went to Lost Heaven for dinner a very popular restaurant in Puxi that serves Yunnan style food.
While we went out to dinner, Ayi watched the kids and made dumplings for dinner. When Lucas saw that he was tempted to stay home too. Lucky for us there were plenty of leftovers.

Today was the first day of summer vacation for Lily. Luckily the heat and humidity have disappeared and we had a beautiful day. The kids and I walked over to the gym for the indoor playground. I'd promised Lily we would go when she finished school. The kids were so good on the walk, even holding hands the whole way. We didn't stay too long at the gym since it was hot and we didn't bring juice but the kids didn't argue about leaving.
No big plans for the weekend, probably the aquarium tomorrow and maybe the fake market on Sunday if Lucas is in the mood. Since it is Father's Day I'm letting him decide where we go.
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