Friday night Lucas and I had Ayi watch the kids for us so we could have a night out. We went to a Cantonese restaurant and had dim sum, or small plates. We like to order several dishes to try and usually end up with some we love, some we like and some we don't like. We both loved the beef and cashews with black bean sauce and the BBQ pork bread. We both hated the meatballs. The flavor was ok, but it was the texture that was made it completely unappealing. Still, it was a great dinner. After we saw Avengers, which was very good. It has a lot of lines which had us laughing out loud at many points during the movie. It was a great night all around.

Today was Lily's school picnic which started at 9:30. We took a taxi since I was bringing cupcakes and had been warrned that there would not be any parking available. Lily had a great time running around with friends, Lucy in particular, and playing games.
Charlie indulged in a sugar donut, it was the only thing that was going to get him to stop for more than 30 seconds. He played in the sandbox and on the play set. I think he also enjoyed watching all the "big" kids running around and playing.
I got everyone to take a lunch break and we all had chicken "hot dogs" with watermelon and a large variety of deserts. Lily didn't seem to mind that she didn't get one of my cupcakes when she saw the M&M brownie.

We watched a juggling act and listened to some kids songs. Lily made a tie dye bandana and got her face painted. We met several other parents and talked about summer plans and possible play dates.
We finally headed home but didn't get far since Green Hills, which is the complex the school is in, was hosting a bazaar. I ended up getting Lily a cotton Chinese style dress and found my Dad's birthday gift! We enjoyed a nice walk home and by then we were all ready for a nap. Lily only slept for an hour, but I'm not complaining. Once both kids were up Lucas watched them so I could finally get to work on our disaster guest room/office. It is far from done, but at least the bed is made and the desk looks like a desk now.
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