Dulwich celebrated there annual Sports Day a few weeks before Halloween, yes, I'm that behind in my blog. Anyway, each year has their own day so it's not too crazy. Year 1 had fantastic weather, that actually had the parents seeking out shade. Starting in Year 1 each child is assigned to one of the four houses of Dulwich, designated by color. Liliane is in Howard, the red house. The point of each sporting event they took part in was to earn a point for their house. To earn a point they had to complete the task properly, not finish first. Don't want them getting too competitive! Lily did very well in following the instructions and seemed to be quite fast when racing. We may have a future track star. It was only an hour long, which flew by, as we cheered the kids on. The points were tallied at the end and unfortunately Howard came in dead last. Luckily Lily and the other kids didn't seem to be upset by this, and I can only think that it has to do with how well the school encourages them to be supportive of their fellow students and even to reward house points to someone if they feel they did something nice or really well in class.

Nursery had their sports day just two days later. We didn't have the sun, like we did for Year 1, but it wasn't bad either. Since the nursery kids are all 3-4 years in age, parents were asked to take their child around to each of the ten activities. They were given a sheet with the activities and explanations and once they completed them they got a stamp. There was no competition here, just a fun way for the kids to spend an hour. Charlie really loved the obstacle course and once he completed all ten activities we headed back to do it over and over! I was worried that he would be upset when I left, but he gave me a hug and kiss and got in line with his class and waved good bye!